Ridlington Parochial Church Council (PCC)

c/o The White House, North Walsham Road, NR28 9NR

To all Ridlington residents and interested parties
March 2021

Village survey about proposed new facilities
at Ridlington St Peter’s church

We at the PCC are hoping to make some improvements at the church, to include an accessible toilet; a servery so that refreshments can be provided; a ‘meet and greet’ area, and a path from the car park which can be used by wheelchairs.

This will allow us to host a wider range of events and activities, for the community as a whole, as well as specifically church use, and enable participation by groups of people who would otherwise be unable to attend, such as the disabled, older persons, expectant mothers and young children.

These facilities are intended to complement and not compete with, the Village Hall.

It would help us make the case for these important facilities if you were kindly able to complete this short survey? Completed questionnaires will be kept entirely confidential. Just hold on to the questionnaire when you’ve completed it, and we’ll pop round in the next day or two to collect it, or you can use the online version at http://bit.ly/PCC-2021
Thank you!

Richard Barker
for the PCC March 2021

Do you support the principle of the church having these facilities?
If the church had these new facilities, would you be more likely to come to community events at the church?
What type of event would you or your family be interested in, if they were to be held at the church? (tick any that apply)
Do you have any ideas about what we might do for the village or other points to make?
Name - optional
Post Code - required
Email - optional
Please complete and return by 5thApril

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