Results of Village Survey about proposed new facilities at St Peter’s
Early in April 2021 we surveyed the views of all Ridlington residents and other interested parties about the proposed new accessible toilet, servery and meet and greet area at St Peter’s.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time and trouble to complete the survey
A total of 90 printed questionnaires were hand delivered to all properties in the village, and the questionnaire was also put online. A very high level of responses were received (77% of those distributed).
The results show virtually complete backing for the principle of the church having the new facilities (96%), and perhaps more telling, a large majority of respondents (81%) indicating that they would be more likely to come to community events at the church if these facilities were in place.
We also asked what sort of events people would be interested in attending. The response to this question underlines the high level of potential interest in activities. The most popular being craft fairs (80%) and talks and concerts (75%), but also substantial interest in social groups/coffee mornings (57%). Youth groups attracted less interest, no doubt relating to the age profile of the village.
The final question in the survey was to ask respondents whether they had any other ideas about what we might do for the village, or other points to make. A total of 24 responses to this question were received, covering a range of issues. Of these:
8 responses gave more detailed information about activities the respondent wished to see being put on – eg music festivals, types of craft group, book swap, home produce swap, interest groups etc.
6 responses were about related issues, including 2 raising the issue of speeding through the village, and 2 emphasising the importance of protecting the bat population in the church. Two responses supported the proposed accessible path but not the other proposed facilities, as it was felt that it would be more appropriate if events were put on in the village hall rather than the church
There were a variety of other comments, including ones of general support for the proposals; a question as to whether space could be found in the churchyard for an open space for young people, and additional information about the churchyard.
In summary, the response to the questionnaire is good evidence of major support in the community for the proposed facilities, both in general terms, and more specifically at a personal level. This information will undoubtedly be of help in supporting the bidding process for funding and thereafter. We will follow up the issues of concern in taking forward the proposals.
Ridlington PCC
May 2021
For more detailed information on the survey results, contact Richard Barker on or 07922 036944.