The Parish Council have recently had installed a Community Heartbeat Trust Defibrillator in the Red Phone Box in The Street, Ridlington NR28 9NU

This was announced in the Village News, by the Parish Council, but not everyone reads that monthly magazine, hence this posting.

This is an unlocked Defib for the untrained and, maybe panicky, user.

The Community Heartbeat Trust Website is at

There are numerous ‘phone apps for locating your nearest Defib – the literature suggests ‘Save a life’ but the Ridlington one is not registered there – perhaps the PC can do that.

All age groups and fitness levels can suffer Cardiac Arrest and these Defibs do save lives.

This product says you don’t need training but I think, in a community spirit, some training could be provided for different people scattered about the Villages perhaps coupled with a course on CPR – I know I would appreciate some physical training.

The telephone box could also do with external Defib signage – locals may know – but tourist would not find it obvious.

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