Remember, Remember,The Eleventh of November

That’s the way the expression goes so why can’t we in Ridlington celebrate, the lives of those you gave up their lives for us, when the rest of the nation does – Sunday 14th November?

If the Vicar is so stretched that she is unable to service all her coastal parishes for this important Sunday then surely we have lay ministers in this diocese.

Remembering those in Ridlington, who gave their lives,  on the 7th November is not really on.


Without the sacrifices made by those in WW1 and WW2 many of us would not be here and our lives would undoubtedly be the lesser for it.

All families were affected by those conflicts, some loosing family members, some friends but no one was immune from the effect of two world wars.

My Grandfather and Father fought and both survived unscratched – some of the lucky ones – but they were scared by what they saw and I remember my father saying to me that he didn’t understand why some of his friends were killed and why he came through it.

Given these unselfish acts by so many it seems petty that we can’t stretch to honour them on their one special day.

Check out those who gave their lives from Ridlington - Click on the image below.

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